
How To Upload A Signature Bell Tree


Proper noun



Terminal Active

one/19/2017 10:53pm

Oh yeah I recollect I saw that postal service. You ticked some people off lol

I've been on ACC since 1/30/14
RIP this site

Bells: 212,900 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (19) Patterns: 0

I was just being honest. They asked for our opinions and I gave them mine. If they're offended, it's their ain dang problem.

Does it [color=2686BD][i]ever[/color][/i] make you sad to know
[spoiler]xx[/spoiler]that was 7 [colour=2686BD][i]summers[/i][/color] agone?

Bells: 5,821,575 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (191) Patterns: 0



ACCF Boondocks

Last Active

vi/15 9:06pm

To be off-white, their indicate is valid that our layout is really outdated. But, information technology's not a very fair comparison. They utilise vBulletin, a prebuilt forum bundle. Theming and updating vBulletin is picayune compared to ACC. ACC uses a custom forum system congenital just for this site. Changing the theme here is so much more difficult and time-consuming.

Bells: 1,710,700 Catalog: 0 Feedback: nine WiFi: (20) Patterns: 240




Last Active



Bell Tree Forums is a lot less uptight most the rules and doesn't have a filter that either censors out minor swear words/words that mean something different and contain some obscure expletive. Information technology besides has a working Bells system and its own class of Bell Shop.

Even so, if you're non careful, Bell Tree Forums tin unleash internet stupidity on you like walking into Tumblr with a different opinion than others.

Bulldoze me closer! I want to hit them with my sword!

Bells: 1,612,800 Itemize: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (ix) Patterns: 19

Proper name



Concluding Active

4/7 10:12am

i have still to try bong tree but i think i volition at present
looooool this mail service is gonna exist ridic embarrassing but i gave upwards on acc forever ago but nevertheless lurk outta habit. i wasn't gonna reply but after reading your insanely young reply on tbt i think i need to. posts similar that are exactly the reason acc has such a bad rep for immaturity. although i loved the irony of you cursing since that'd go you banned on here.

acc has honestly become the worst. i joined in like 06' and maybe it was merely considering i was 12 years old but this site was honestly the coolest thing ever... until y'all commencement getting notifications for the dumbest things and notice how some of the staff only doesn't seem to care. like this websites format is extremely outdated and not actually user-friendly. on the ane mitt i'd like to be able to post bodily images instead of linking to them but on the other mitt i realize how atrocious they'd look on hither because this site literally looks similar information technology'southward nevertheless 2004.

not TO MENTION THE LACK OF Any COOL UPDATES Like EVER. the fact that the coding is and then messed upward that the acc can't even fix one typo-ish thing on the front page (the fact that acnl and accf both say they're the latest or newest) without having to like shut the whole website downward for an update is really telling. i think i recollect the staff proverb the'd fix that in the adjacent update which was like....when? 7 months ago?? i become that coding stuff can exist hard just yoooooooooo come up on

if acnl wasn't enough to bring acc back up to its ~erstwhile glory~ then the staff need to get it together and do things beside the glARING RED TEXT OF DOOM on everyone's posts omg. the site suggestion board is useless as nothing volition ever alter. that adept one-time bong shop will be live in the year 4000 tbh. we still don't take city folk maps, still don't take new leaf avatars, etc. acc is basically the grandad who refuses to alter annihilation.


take this post outta love acc but do yourselves a favor and update yourself

Bells: 48,600 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (21) Patterns: 0



ACNL Boondocks

Last Active

5/29 12:19pm


I'm pretty sure you can, though. Or at least I've noticed several usernames which mysteriously no longer show up in the user proper name lookup (yes, positive they were spelled right), which I assume means they've been deleted.

Bells: 307,200 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (134) Patterns: 1




Final Active

12/29/2016 12:58am

"I'one thousand pretty sure you lot can, though. Or at least I've noticed several usernames which mysteriously no longer show up in the user proper name lookup (yep, positive they were spelled correct), which I presume means they've been deleted."

They got banned. They didn't ask to exist deleted.



Bells: 756,100 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (threescore) Patterns: 0




Last Agile

6/15 nine:06pm

Actually, that'due south usually indicative of a user ready to inactive. Users used to be able to asking deactivation. Deactivation removes the contour from view, but does non actually delete the account, allowing restoration at a later signal.

Bells: one,710,700 Itemize: 0 Feedback: 9 WiFi: (twenty) Patterns: 240




Last Active

4/13 xi:15am

Lol I like how I can tell who's who now. Honestly I hope this doesn't become a thing. A battle of the Brute Crossing sites. It seems small-scale and like nobody would notice information technology on ACC but on TBT that seems like a pretty loftier profile thread

Tujunga = tuh-hung-uh

Bells: 27,700 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (38) Patterns: 0

Proper name



Last Active

10/ane/2021 5:39pm

i prefer tbt's animal crossing forums and colour scheme (not rly a fan of the acc blue).

i like this site also, just mostly to read the off topic forum and i don't rly post here much. more often than not lurking.

I AM 25!!! PLEASE Proceed IN Mind THAT I AM AN Developed!!! Thank you!!
i'm merely a white blood jail cell, fightin' like hell for you.

Bells: 32,800 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (1) Patterns: 0




Last Active

six/15 11:30pm

ACC has flaws & so does TBT. Much like anything else on this planet, forums aren't perfect. ACC & TBT project ii dissimilar atmospheres; ACC is a fleck more uptight while TBT is a looser-feeling forum. Which you prefer has nil to exercise with which is actually ameliorate and which ane sucks, because it'south entirely subjective.

My personal preference is frequenting ACC as opposed to TBT. I take ACC's flaws. Maybe it'due south considering I've been hither for almost vii years, but I wouldn't be able to make the switch to TBT. I don't see ACC as superior to TBT but rather as equals. I'm non on either "side." They're both forums with honest staff doing their best for their members. So, yes, I prefer ACC, but it is not "superior" to TBT equally some have argued. Information technology's a forum.

Bells: 1,631,260 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 4 WiFi: (214) Patterns: 0

Proper name



Terminal Active

3/23/2019 11:37am

idk what you guys are talking near, vBulletin is uggo

His name was Marauder Shields.

Bells: 0 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (0) Patterns: 0




Last Active

3/17/2020 12:32pm

Wow, the backlash on that thread was horrible. Over here, moderators would've sorted that out actually quickly. I'1000 never using that site again.

*abiding screeching*

Bells: 3,022,830 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (4) Patterns: 6




Last Active

seven/7/2021 1:49pm

I have an account on both I similar the rules on bell tree just I prefer ACC however its so strict here about sharing FC's and stuff

Bells: 94,500 Catalog: 0 Feedback: ii WiFi: (29) Patterns: 2




Dream Code


Concluding Active

6/15 12:20pm

I'm more partial towards ACC.

At least it has its own forum format and stuff. vBulletin is but.....OK, wut?
I know we can't share FCs, simply I'd rather not exist bombarded with uh.....PTs asking to wifi with random people.
While not being able to post Dream Addresses is kind of daft. =\ But who am I to question management?

TBT allows more than freedom, we can share FCs and DAs and stuff, but the atmosphere is too....formal.
I'yard not saying information technology'due south not OK to exist formal, 'cause well, you're gonna have to be that way at some betoken, merely I'd hate to be formal all the time.
And vBulletin? OK, that'south like the basic outline, but they could've like, made their own format at the start, but who am I to question their direction?

Simply both sites have their flaws, and then no site is perfect. Trying to compare one to the other is just....not easy. They are very different sites, and we ought to go along that in mind.

Basically, I would dear to continue, but other people take beaten me to it. Hmph.

+5 ACC Fourth dimension

Bells: iv,810,725 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (14) Patterns: two



ACNL Boondocks

Concluding Active

6/xiv 5:51pm

First of all, I'd like to thank near of you who have kept this discussion very civil and I appreciate it. I do accept a couple of thoughts as I have read through here though. I would like to say that some of them are my thoughts and no one else should be held accountable for them.

I totally agree with the users who state that they are two different sites and people can be members of both with no problem so I don't really sympathize the "I hate" sentiments. It comes downwardly to personal preference to me. As some have said, neither is perfect or "correct".

I've just been on TBT twice and I exercise have to say that they way they tin can personalize their signatures and posts with moving things is very, very distracting to me and fabricated things hard for me to concentrate. But I can encounter how people would enjoy and adopt that. This site was started by a homo named Jader and he happens to prefer things more structured and harmonious - where things lucifer more than, I estimate would exist a manner to limited it. So that the style ACC is like it is, our avatars and the like.

He also was very concerned with having a site that very young children could use. We are a family-friendly site and go by the COPPA sign up procedure. That is why our rules are and then much stricter and will remain and so. Subjects that are appropriate for 15 year olds are not appropriate for 9 twelvemonth olds. And a  9 twelvemonth one-time doesn't have quite the decision making processes that an older person has - that's why we are a little more concerned with what information is shared. We take to be cautious for them.

Most deleting accounts, in that location is a simple reason. Mods too handle the emails for support on ACC. And we see over and once again, members who left ACC convinced they would never exist back again - some lose interest, some become mad near something. Well, months and sometimes years go by and a new ACC is released or they just get interested in ACC over again. Back they come wanting their old account, with all their ratings, FT's, PTs, RPG's they started, FCR and everything else tied to the business relationship. So that is i of the reasons we don't delete accounts. Also, we like to have all our records of an account in ane place and that is why nosotros only allow one, original account per user.

And merely call up, when reading anything on a spider web site, at that place really are 2 sides to every story.

Adopt, Don't Shop    Find your all-time friend at the local Shelter!
I am likewise Customs Liaison, PT me any concerns or comments!

Bells: 6,849,780 Catalog: 3 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (92) Patterns: 0



ACNH Boondocks

Dream Code


Last Active

six/15 12:20pm

Well, Jarikira is right.
There are 2 sides to every story.
And why ACC is like this. And I'chiliad used to information technology.

Eh, if anyone new joins, well, they're going to learn to get used to the layout, the rules etc. pretty apace. And well, it's not that difficult.

At least we're being civil, and we can be civil nigh of the time.

I'yard staying correct here. It'due south the first forum-based site where I've felt comfortable, I'm not being picked on left, right and centre, I really know why I get notifications, instead of just the generic "blah blah blah this broke teh rules" with no reasoning whatsoever. Just, what? How was this non allowed through, when everyone else could do and then and not get the same result as my? This bellyaching me to no stop.

+5 ACC Fourth dimension

Bells: 4,810,725 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (14) Patterns: 2




Last Active

5/xx 9:45pm

The site is much more than laid back. They can't hack into and read your private letters, and things like lgbtq aren't considered 'adult material'. I personally like it improve, simply im way too lazy to get into it.

Bells: 708,500 Itemize: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (5) Patterns: 7



ACCF Boondocks

Last Active

9/16/2017 11:53am

I totally agree with acprincess on ACC being "the first forum-based site where I've felt comfy, I'g not being picked on left, correct and centre". ACC's actually family friendly. I don't experience that bad posting a picture of myself because I really doubt at that place are people who can use that to kidnap me or something. Everyone's really friendly, compared to other forums where there can exist trolls. Yeah, anyway, I feel really comfy hither.

Proud Boondox donor

Bells: 1,397,865 Catalog: 2131 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (234) Patterns: 8



ACNL Boondocks

Last Agile

12/21/2016 6:32pm

I dearest ACC and I've been on it since I was 10 and so I've grown really attached to it. I remember when we weren't allowed to say crap and then I would say bother instead, haha

I feel similar the lack of a lot of discussion filters on TBT intimidates me and doesn't make me feel very comfortable, and a lot of users experience just every bit intimidating. Hither it feels more close-knit and friendly, and I similar recognizing a lot of the same people posting on threads.
A lot of people say that this site'due south layout is outdated but I dearest how it'south been the same for all these years, and it's very organized.

The 1 matter I get very dislocated nearly on TBT is when I subscribe to a thread to see if anybody else posts, it doesn't bear witness a notification and instead I accept to manually click settings every once in a while to meet the threads I'm subscribed to and if anybody has added a comment.

Overall, I dearest ACC a lot more. It'south original and hold a lot of great memories, while TBT is good as well but seems similar whatever other generic website really.

I wear two watches
considering information technology's always time to diddle

Bells: 161,300 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (5) Patterns: 0

Proper noun



Last Agile

1/19/2017 10:53pm

Ok now I'g starting to get tired of this rivalry
Both websites are swell. Simply now I'm starting to like TBT ameliorate...

I've been on ACC since i/30/14
RIP this site

Bells: 212,900 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (19) Patterns: 0

Last Active

half dozen/iii/2014 7:22pm

I came here from TBT just to cheque it out, and really, the reason I'm not likewise fond of ACC at this point is how there are Then many different categories, and I discover it very difficult to continue track of annihilation. On TBT, there are direct out boards which clearly define what each is used for, which is likely why I'm having a hard time.

I think they both take their ups and downs, and almost people switch around because of action levels and new updates. I've kept with TBT more often than not considering information technology's very active and it has some people I've go shut friends with.

Now cheerio.

Bells: 0 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (0) Patterns: 0

Proper noun



Dream Code


Terminal Active

6/xv 12:20pm

^^^ It wasn't past the other users - information technology was past the mods.

Jeez, exercise your stinking chore properly and deal with actual bug instead of simply singling out certain people all the time!

Just those guys losing ALL of our quondam membership details was simply the last straw. The straw earlier that was non allowing as much creativity in our usernames or what we'd similar to be known as. Pre-set? That bellyaching me. What if I wanted to be known as I'd like to be known as, instead of just some random words mashed in together that hardly makes sense?

I became really fed up with that, and the maturity level of some people was merely likewise low.
And there was this fiddling thing we used to play - people would keep on request how they change the privacy option, and even when the mods said it'due south not going to happen for a while, people would However keep asking! That annoyed me to no cease.

Subsequently the last straw had been drawn, I decided "This is it! You guys take officially lost all of us, so I am NEVER coming back to this place, even though I simply have a few months left before I can get!"

I like information technology an infinity times meliorate here. While I know nosotros tin't change our usernames, at least we can decide what we'd like to be known as.
I like the Staff here better, as they do tell usa where we went wrong and they do tell us not to do that again. I know it's something you tell to a little child, but there are times when nosotros exercise demand reminding.

TBT reminds me of a generic forum, and if you've seen one of them, you've seen them all.

+5 ACC Fourth dimension

Bells: 4,810,725 Itemize: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (xiv) Patterns: 2




Last Agile

6/8 1:27am

My personal preference is ACC. I practice accept an account on TBT only I've adapted to ACC well and detect TBT complicated to utilise as a result. And I employ ACC much more than TBT

I do accept that there are a few areas where TBT may be considered better than ACC (e.k the bell shop and avatars), only I notice ACC a much more comfortable and friendly surroundings. As some of you may know, I'thou an owner of a giveaway service on here, and it has given me the opportunity to meet many friendly people and too bring joy to many ACC members.

I did have a flick through the same topic on TBT and while I tin can understand some of their views, I think they are quite unfair to the ACC members and staff. I saw in that location was a bit of discussion nigh the 'strict' rules that ACC have, only to exist honest I agree with nearly of the rules that ACC have and they accept been put in place to help maintain fun, friendship and fairness among the community. I was rather unimpressed with some of the linguistic communication some users posted on that thread, because there are many young members who use both sites. Although some people may consider ACC rules to be 'strict', I personally think that they are necessary, as they take into account that at that place is quite a wide young audition on the site.

Some other affair I'd like to point out is that I was welcomed to the site by one of the Scouts. That did not happen to be on TBT. The ACC Sentinel I was assigned to really helped me understand the site and likewise helped me to become to grips with the format and features of ACC. That didn't happen on TBT to me and then I constitute it trickier to use and become used to as a result. I do retrieve some people underestimate how difficult the ACC staff work to satisfy members.

As previously mentioned, my preference is ACC but I still think TBT is still a great forum. I probably oasis't used TBT plenty to get used to it but I observe ACC simple plenty to use. What is available to me on ACC is skillful enough for me as an Brute Crossing Thespian, and as this was the first site I joined, I got used to information technology easily and have therefore adapated amend hither.
These are just my personal opinions and preferences from what I've seen on both sites but I think they are different in there ain ways.


Bells: viii,065,680 Catalog: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (902) Patterns: 0




Final Active

three/31/2020 12:14pm

I prefer ACC, the bell tree bores me and also the conversation is pretty cool in that location

Everything is hard before information technology is easy
- Goethe

Bells: 565,225 Itemize: 0 Feedback: 0 WiFi: (64) Patterns: 3


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